Activity Level: high
QEP: Competency II
Equipment: tchoukball, rebounder, pinnies, cones
Formation: teams
Tactics: accuracy, throwing, catching, strategy

Description: The game is played with a rebounder on each side of the playing area, with cones creating a small perimeter away from it that students cannot step into. Each team's goal is to throw the ball on the rebounder so that the other team will not be able to catch it before it touches the ground, thus scoring a point. Both teams can use either rebounder when trying to score. If the ball is caught, there must be a minimum of one pass and maximum of 3 before shooting on the rebounder. The person with the ball is not allowed to move. Teams are not allowed to interfere with the other team's game play, whether it be blocking the ball, incepting, or defending a player. The only thing that a team can do to prevent the other from scoring is to catch the ball before it touches the ground after it has hit the rebounder.

Layer 1:
  • divide the class into teams of 4 or 5
  • practice sending and receiving the ball, and throwing onto the rebounder

Layer 2:
  • players with the ball are not allowed to move during the game
  • play with last touch possession

  • allow 3 steps to the ball carrier
  • play with turnovers
  • score points when other team misses the rebounder

  • make sure that students keep their heads up when trying to catch the ball or else they might run into each other