Cycle: 1-2
Activity Level: medium
QEP: Competency I-II
Equipment: playing area, music
Formation: groups of 5-6
Tactics: interaction, avoiding others in space

Description: The class is divided into groups of 5 or 6, and each group must choose a spot in the playing area where they will line up. The first person in the line is the leader, and when the music starts, the leader performs a number of locomotor movements such as running, skipping, hopping, leaping, crawling, rolling, etc. The rest of the group must them follow the leader and repeat everything that he or she is doing. When the music stops, the leader goes to the end of the line and the next person becomes the leader. 

  • leaders should use different speeds to create a challenge
  • include mirroring activities that could be done in pairs
  • add various obstacles in the playing area
  • change the tempo of the music to see the effects on the students' movement patterns

  • keeps heads up
  • be aware of where other groups are
  • do not perform movements that not everyone will be able to do or that are dangerous (example: somersault, cartwheel, etc.)